This report is designed to
inform you about your
drinking water quality. Our
goal is to provide a safe and
dependable supply of drink-
ing water. We want you to
understand the efforts we
make to protect your water
supply. The quality of your
drinking water must meet
state and federal require-
ments administered by the
Virginia Department of
Health (VDH).
The Montgomery County
Public Service Authority
(PSA) operates ten
individual public water
systems in the unincorpo-
rated areas of the County.
Combined, these systems
consist of over 90 miles of
water mains, four wells, 16
water tanks, 22 pumps, 23
pressure reducing valves,
four connections to the
Town of Blacksburg, three
connections to the Town of
Christiansburg, two con-
nections to the City of
Radford, and one connec-
tion to the Arsenal. Ap-
proximately 25.5 million
gallons of water are distrib-
uted by the PSA monthly.
If you have questions
Monday of each month
in the Board of Supervi-
sors’ Meeting Room in
the Montgomery County
Government Center, 755
Roanoke Street in
Our goal is to provide a
safe and dependable
supply of drinking
water. We want you to
understand the efforts
we make to protect
your water supply.
about this report, please
Don TodoraDon TodoraDon TodoraDon Todora
PSA Operations SpecialistPSA Operations SpecialistPSA Operations SpecialistPSA Operations Specialist
(540) 381(540) 381(540) 381(540) 381----1997199719971997
For additional information
about any aspect of your
drinking water or to learn
how to participate in
decisions that may affect
the quality of your drinking
water, please contact:
Bob FronkBob FronkBob FronkBob Fronk
PSA DirectorPSA DirectorPSA DirectorPSA Director
(540) 381(540) 381(540) 381(540) 381----1997199719971997
PSA board meetings are
held at 7:00 p.m. on the first
This and other important information are available on the PSA website:
Consumer Confidence Report
Warm Hearth
Montgomery County
Public Service Authority
Water Systems
We are pleased to report that your drinking water is safe and meets We are pleased to report that your drinking water is safe and meets We are pleased to report that your drinking water is safe and meets We are pleased to report that your drinking water is safe and meets
or exceeds all Virginia Department of Health and United States or exceeds all Virginia Department of Health and United States or exceeds all Virginia Department of Health and United States or exceeds all Virginia Department of Health and United States
Environmental Protection Agency standards.Environmental Protection Agency standards.Environmental Protection Agency standards.Environmental Protection Agency standards.
Drinking water, including bottled
drinking water, may reasonably be
expected to contain at least small
amounts of some contaminants. The
presence of contaminants does not
necessarily indicate that water poses
a health risk. Some people may be Some people may be Some people may be Some people may be
more vulnerable to contaminants in more vulnerable to contaminants in more vulnerable to contaminants in more vulnerable to contaminants in
drinking water than the general drinking water than the general drinking water than the general drinking water than the general
population.population.population.population. Immuno-compromised
persons such as persons with cancer
undergoing chemotherapy, persons
who have undergone organ trans-
plants, people with HIV/AIDS or
other immune system disorders, some
elderly, and infants can be particu-
larly at risk from infections. These These These These
people should seek advice about people should seek advice about people should seek advice about people should seek advice about
drinking water from their health care drinking water from their health care drinking water from their health care drinking water from their health care
providers.providers.providers.providers. USEPA/CDC guidelines on
appropriate means to lessen the risk
of infection by cryptosporidium and
other microbiological contaminants
along with additional information additional information additional information additional information
can be obtained by calling the Envi-can be obtained by calling the Envi-can be obtained by calling the Envi-can be obtained by calling the Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency’s Safe ronmental Protection Agency’s Safe ronmental Protection Agency’s Safe ronmental Protection Agency’s Safe
Drinking Water Hotline (800Drinking Water Hotline (800Drinking Water Hotline (800Drinking Water Hotline (800----426426426426----
4791) or by visiting their website 4791) or by visiting their website 4791) or by visiting their website 4791) or by visiting their website
The sources of drinking water The sources of drinking water The sources of drinking water The sources of drinking water (both
tap water and bottled water) include include include include
rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reser-rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reser-rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reser-rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reser-
voirs, springs, and wells. As water voirs, springs, and wells. As water voirs, springs, and wells. As water voirs, springs, and wells. As water
travels over the surface of the land or travels over the surface of the land or travels over the surface of the land or travels over the surface of the land or
through the ground, it through the ground, it through the ground, it through the ground, it dissolves natu-
rally-occurring minerals and, in some
cases, radioactive material, and can can can can
pick up substances resulting from the pick up substances resulting from the pick up substances resulting from the pick up substances resulting from the
presence of animals or from human presence of animals or from human presence of animals or from human presence of animals or from human
activity.activity.activity.activity. Contaminants that may be
present in source water include:
(1) Microbial contaminants, such as
viruses and bacteria, which may
come from sewage treatment
plants, septic systems, agricultural
livestock operations, and wildlife.
(2) Inorganic contaminants, such as
salts and metals, which can be
naturally-occurring or result from
urban stormwater runoff, indus-
trial or domestic wastewater
discharges, oil and gas produc-
tion, mining, or farming.
(3) Pesticides and herbicides, which
may come from a variety of
sources such as agriculture, ur-
ban storm water runoff, and
residential uses.
(4) Organic chemical contaminants,
including synthetic and volatile
organic chemicals, which are
byproducts of industrial proc-
esses and petroleum production,
and can also come from gas sta-
tions, urban stormwater runoff,
and septic systems.
(5) Radioactive contaminants, which
can be naturally-occurring or be
the result of oil and gas produc-
tion and mining activities.
In order to ensure that tap water is
safe to drink, the USEPA prescribes USEPA prescribes USEPA prescribes USEPA prescribes
regulations which limit the amount of regulations which limit the amount of regulations which limit the amount of regulations which limit the amount of
certain contaminants in water pro-certain contaminants in water pro-certain contaminants in water pro-certain contaminants in water pro-
vided by public water systems.vided by public water systems.vided by public water systems.vided by public water systems. Food
and Drug Administration regulations
establish limits for contaminants in
bottled water which must provide the
same protection for public health.
General information
Page 2 Consumer Confidence Report
Treatment Plant, the Radford Water
Treatment Plant, or the Arsenal Pota-
ble Water Treatment Plant. Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment
consists of chemical addition, coagula-consists of chemical addition, coagula-consists of chemical addition, coagula-consists of chemical addition, coagula-
tion, flocculation, settling, filtration tion, flocculation, settling, filtration tion, flocculation, settling, filtration tion, flocculation, settling, filtration
and disinfection.and disinfection.and disinfection.and disinfection. All these processes
work together to remove the physical,
chemical and biological contaminants
to make the water safe for drinking.
The New River was determined to be
of high susceptibility to contamination
using criteria developed by the State
in its USEPA approved Source Water
Assessment Program. The assessment The assessment The assessment The assessment
report consists of maps showing the report consists of maps showing the report consists of maps showing the report consists of maps showing the
source water assessment area, an source water assessment area, an source water assessment area, an source water assessment area, an
inventory of known land use activities inventory of known land use activities inventory of known land use activities inventory of known land use activities
of concern, and documentation of of concern, and documentation of of concern, and documentation of of concern, and documentation of
any known contamination within the any known contamination within the any known contamination within the any known contamination within the
last five years from the date of the last five years from the date of the last five years from the date of the last five years from the date of the
assessmentassessmentassessmentassessment. Treatment plants are oper-
ated to minimize threats associated with
potential contamination of these water
Treatment of the groundwater Treatment of the groundwater Treatment of the groundwater Treatment of the groundwater
sources at the PSA's wells consist of sources at the PSA's wells consist of sources at the PSA's wells consist of sources at the PSA's wells consist of
the addition of chlorine to disinfect the addition of chlorine to disinfect the addition of chlorine to disinfect the addition of chlorine to disinfect
the water.the water.the water.the water. Chlorine residuals and
turbidities are checked on a daily basis
at the wells and throughout all the
individual distribution systems. Water
storage tanks are checked at least
three times weekly. Source water Source water Source water Source water
assessments have been completed for assessments have been completed for assessments have been completed for assessments have been completed for
the PSA’s groundwater supplied sys-the PSA’s groundwater supplied sys-the PSA’s groundwater supplied sys-the PSA’s groundwater supplied sys-
tems: Riner and Woodview.tems: Riner and Woodview.tems: Riner and Woodview.tems: Riner and Woodview. These
wells have a high susceptibility to
contamination due to migration of
contaminants with land use activities
of concern, potential conduits to
groundwater and/or potential
sources of contamination in the as-
sessment areas. There has been no There has been no There has been no There has been no
known contamination of these known contamination of these known contamination of these known contamination of these
sources within the last five years.sources within the last five years.sources within the last five years.sources within the last five years.
Source water assessments are avail-
able to view upon written request.
The ten water systems operated by The ten water systems operated by The ten water systems operated by The ten water systems operated by
the Public Service Authority include the Public Service Authority include the Public Service Authority include the Public Service Authority include
both surface water and groundwater both surface water and groundwater both surface water and groundwater both surface water and groundwater
sources.sources.sources.sources. Three are supplied by the
Town of Blacksburg: Warm Hearth,
Belview, and Jennelle Road. Two are
supplied by the Town of Christians-
burg: Christiansburg to Elliston and
Mudpike Road. Two are supplied by
the City of Radford: Plum Creek and
Bethel. Two are supplied by wells
operated by the PSA: Riner and
Woodview. The remaining system,
Price’s Fork/Merrimac, is supplied by
the Arsenal with backup connections
to the Town of Blacksburg and the
Town of Christiansburg.
The New River is the surface water The New River is the surface water The New River is the surface water The New River is the surface water
source supplying the systems con-source supplying the systems con-source supplying the systems con-source supplying the systems con-
nected to Blacksburg, Christiansburg, nected to Blacksburg, Christiansburg, nected to Blacksburg, Christiansburg, nected to Blacksburg, Christiansburg,
Radford, and the Arsenal.Radford, and the Arsenal.Radford, and the Arsenal.Radford, and the Arsenal. The raw
water goes to either the Blacksburg-
Christiansburg-VPI Water Authority
Sources and treatment of your drinking water
Page 3 2008
Contaminants in your drinking water are routinely monitored according to Federal and State regulations. The table on the following The table on the following The table on the following The table on the following
page shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1 to December 31, shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1 to December 31, shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1 to December 31, shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1 to December 31, 2008. Any contaminants not listed in the table
were not detected in your drinking water.
PSA water is routinely monitored for up to 76 regulated, 48 unregulated, and many nonPSA water is routinely monitored for up to 76 regulated, 48 unregulated, and many nonPSA water is routinely monitored for up to 76 regulated, 48 unregulated, and many nonPSA water is routinely monitored for up to 76 regulated, 48 unregulated, and many non----regulated contaminants.regulated contaminants.regulated contaminants.regulated contaminants. The Virginia De-
partment of Health allows us to monitor for some contaminants less than once per year because the concentrations of these contami-
nants do not change frequently. Some of our data presented in the following table may be more than one year old.
In the table and elsewhere in this report, you will find many terms and abbreviations with which you might not be familiar. The fol-The fol-The fol-The fol-
lowing definitions are provided to help you better understand these terms.lowing definitions are provided to help you better understand these terms.lowing definitions are provided to help you better understand these terms.lowing definitions are provided to help you better understand these terms.
Quality on Tap
parts per million parts per million parts per million parts per million
milligrams per litermilligrams per litermilligrams per litermilligrams per liter
One part per million corresponds to one minute in two years, or a single penny in
parts per billion parts per billion parts per billion parts per billion
micrograms per litermicrograms per litermicrograms per litermicrograms per liter
One part per billion corresponds to one minute in 2,000 years, or a single penny in
MCLGMCLGMCLGMCLG Maximum Contaminant Maximum Contaminant Maximum Contaminant Maximum Contaminant
Level GoalLevel GoalLevel GoalLevel Goal
the level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or
expected risk to health. MCLG's allow for a margin of safety.
MCLMCLMCLMCL Maximum Contaminant Maximum Contaminant Maximum Contaminant Maximum Contaminant
the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCL's are set as
close to the MCLG's as feasible using the best available treatment technology.
ALALALAL Action LevelAction LevelAction LevelAction Level the concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other
requirements which a water system must follow
pCi/LpCi/LpCi/LpCi/L Picocuries per literPicocuries per literPicocuries per literPicocuries per liter a measure of the radioactivity in water
N/AN/AN/AN/A Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable abbreviation used in the "range" section
mrem/yrmrem/yrmrem/yrmrem/yr millirems per yearmillirems per yearmillirems per yearmillirems per year a measure of radiation absorbed by the body
MRDLGMRDLGMRDLGMRDLG Maximum Residual Maximum Residual Maximum Residual Maximum Residual
Disinfectant Level Goal Disinfectant Level Goal Disinfectant Level Goal Disinfectant Level Goal
the level of drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected
risk to health. MRDLG’s do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to
control microbial contaminants.
MRDLMRDLMRDLMRDL Maximum Residual Maximum Residual Maximum Residual Maximum Residual
Disinfectant Level Disinfectant Level Disinfectant Level Disinfectant Level
the highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing
evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.
TTTTTTTT Treatment TechniqueTreatment TechniqueTreatment TechniqueTreatment Technique a required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water
NTUNTUNTUNTU Nephelometric Turbidity Nephelometric Turbidity Nephelometric Turbidity Nephelometric Turbidity
a measure of the clarity of water. Turbidity in excess of 5 NTU is just noticeable to
the average person.
NDNDNDND Not DetectedNot DetectedNot DetectedNot Detected Lab analysis indicates that the contaminant is not present or is below detection limit
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency sets MCL’s at very stringent levels. In developing these standards, USEPA assumes that the
average adult drinks two liters of water each day throughout a 70-year lifespan. USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in
no adverse health effects for some contaminants or a oneno adverse health effects for some contaminants or a oneno adverse health effects for some contaminants or a oneno adverse health effects for some contaminants or a one----inininin----oneoneoneone----million chance of having the described health effect for other cmillion chance of having the described health effect for other cmillion chance of having the described health effect for other cmillion chance of having the described health effect for other con-on-on-on-
In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.
To summarize the year:
· In bacteriological testing there were 0000 samples with total coliform present and 0000 samples with e-coli present
· In lead and copper testing there were 0000 samples exceeding the lead action level and 0 0 0 0 samples exceeding the copper action level
· In disinfection by-products testing there were 0000 quarters exceeding the running annual average for Haloacetic Acids and 0000 quar-
ters exceeding the running annual averages for Total Trihalomethanes.
At a Glance
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency sets MCL’s at very stringent levels. In developing these standards, USEPA assumes that the
average adult drinks two liters of water each day throughout a 70-year lifespan. USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in USEPA generally sets MCL’s at levels that will result in
no adverse health effects for some contaminants or a oneno adverse health effects for some contaminants or a oneno adverse health effects for some contaminants or a oneno adverse health effects for some contaminants or a one----inininin----oneoneoneone----million chance of having the described health effect for other cmillion chance of having the described health effect for other cmillion chance of having the described health effect for other cmillion chance of having the described health effect for other con-on-on-on-
In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.In 2008, throughout all of the PSA water systems, there were no violations of any standards or regulations.
To summarize the year:
· In bacteriological testing there were 0000 samples with total coliform present and 0000 samples with e-coli present
· In lead and copper testing there were 0000 samples exceeding the lead action level and 0000 samples exceeding the copper action level
· In disinfection by-products testing there were 0000 quarters exceeding the running annual average for Haloacetic Acids and 0000 quar-
ters exceeding the running annual averages for Total Trihalomethanes.
Warm Hearth
2008 water quality results of regulated contaminants
In the distribution systemIn the distribution systemIn the distribution systemIn the distribution system
Microbiological contaminants present
TOTAL ORGANIC N/A TT, MET 1.04 1.0 to 1.2 YES 2008 Naturally present in the
CARBON (ppm) WHEN > 1 environment
TURBIDITY (NTU) N/A TT, 1 NTU 0.08 0.03 to 0.08 YES 2008 Soil runoff
MAX TT, < 0.3
(95% of the time) 100%
Radioactive contaminants present
COMBINED RADIUM 0 5 1.4 N/A YES 2008 Erosion of natural deposits
Inorganic contaminants present
FLUORIDE (ppm) 4 4 0.73 N/A YES 2008 Erosion of natural deposits,
water additive which promotes
strong teeth
NITRATE (ppm) 10 10 0.56 N/A YES 2008 Runoff from fertilizer use, leaching
NITRITE from septic tanks, sewage, erosion
of natural deposits
Volatile organic contaminants present
CHLORINE (ppm) MRDLG=4 MRDLG=4 2.09 1.8 to 2.2 YES 2008 Water additive used to control
HALOACETIC ACID N/A 60 38 25 to 55 YES 2008 By-product of drinking water
(ppb) disinfection
TOTAL TRIHALO- N/A 80 37 24 to 47 YES 2008 By-product of drinking water
METHANES (ppb) disinfection
At the customer tapAt the customer tapAt the customer tapAt the customer tap
Inorganic contaminants present
COPPER (ppm) 1.3 1.3 0.055 0 YES 2006 Corrosion of household plumbing
If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking
water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. The Montgomery County Public Ser-
vice Authority is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing com-
ponents. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 15
to 30 seconds or until it becomes cold or reaches a steady temperature before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned
about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you
can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Water Drinking Hotline (800-426-4791) or at
In 1992, the Blacksburg, Christiansburg, VPI Water Authority observed that drinking water researchers and USEPA were becoming con-
cerned about Cryptosporidium (Crypto), a microscopic parasite present in most surface waters serving water supplies. Ingestion of Crypto
may cause cryptosporidiosis, an abdominal infection. The most effective method of removal is filtration such as what is practiced at the
Water Authority although its removal is not 100% guaranteed. Disinfection, such as with chlorine, has been found to be ineffective
against Crypto. In 1994, the Water Authority began routine testing for Crypto in the New River. Many of the samples since then have
shown no Crypto while others have indicated the presence of Crypto in very small numbers. As of 2008, under the USEPA “Long Term2
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule”, water suppliers are now requiredrequiredrequiredrequired to collect at least 24 monthly samples over a two year period.
The Water Authority has chosen to collect 48 samples over those two years. Furthermore, we are required to tell you about that monitor-
ing and give you the results. During 2008, the Water Authority collected 19 official samples from the New River and the average Crypto
concentration was 0.036 oocysts per liter. While the monitoring indicates the presence of these organisms in our source water (before
treatment), the current test methods do not allow analysts to determine if the organisms are dead or alive. Based on the Crypto monitor-
ing results so far, the Water Authority anticipates having no problem meeting future USEPA treatment requirements.