Planned Mobile Home Residential (PMR) Zoning08/2022 Planned Mobile Home Residential Park (PMR) Planned Mobile Home Residential Park (PMR): This district is established in order to provide opportunities for affordable housing alternatives and to recognize that selected locations in the community may be appropriately developed as areas of moderate population density properly related to the existing and potential development character in the vicinity. It is the county’s purpose, with respect to location of new and expansion of existing planned mobile home residential park, respect to location of new and expansion of existing planned mobile home residential park, to avoid undue concentrations of such development by allowing the development or expansion of PMRs in association with other types of uses by achieving a balance of housing types and by not overcrowding community facilities. It is also the county’s purpose, with respect to establishment of new and expansion of existing PMRs, to protect the health, safety, and welfare by fostering standards of development commensurate with other forms of residential development. The establishment or expansion of PMRs will recognize the density and base residential needs of mobile homes by addressing the following community development standards: • Health of residents as protected by water and sewer systems and service equal to other forms of residential development. • Safety of residents as protected by accessibility for fire, rescue, and police vehicles equal to other forms of residential development. • Safety of residents as protected by accessibility of utility maintenance vehicles of snow and ice removal equipment and of school buses transporting children. • Safety of residents as protected by accessibility provided by sidewalks separated from streets and streets which have traffic controls and adequate geometric design. • Health and safety of residents as protected by prohibition of new use and discouragement of continued use of mobile homes constructed prior to 1976. • Accessibility of residents as provided by roads where service providers are willing to move household furnishings, collect solid waste and deliver mail or parcel post. Lands qualifying for inclusion in the PMR district shall be mapped as residential transition, village expansion, urban expansion, or urban development area in the Comprehensive Plan which are served by or planned for connection to public water and sewer service. New PMRs shall be serviced by connections to public sewer and water. Expanded PMRs shall have (1) water and sewer as for new PMR, or (2) have water and sewer service meeting current VDH and DEQ standards encompassing both established and expansion portions of the PMR. The minimum area required to create a district shall be six (6) acres of total contiguous land. What can I do by right in a PMR district? There are uses that are designated as "by right" which means you do not have to apply for a special use permit. The uses do, however, have to comply with all approved plans and permits, development standards, and performance standards included in the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance and with all other applicable regulations. The "by right" uses include: • Accessory structures, subject to the requirements of Sec. 10-41 (1) • PMR management office • Mobile home, class A or class B • Pet, household • Public use/public facility What uses require a Special Use Permit? Other use types that are not listed above and that are determined to be appropriate and compatible with the proposed development and surrounding uses may be specifically approved in concurrent rezoning and special use permit applications or in a subsequent special use permit application. • New planned mobile home residential park. • Existing planned mobile home residential park. • Amateur radio tower • Park and ride lot • Retail convenience sales subject to additional restrictions • Service facilities such as laundries, storage areas, recreation facilities • Expansion of existing PMR may be permitted when both existing and expansion portions comply with subsection 10-36(2). 08/2022 Building & Lot Requirements Each zoning district has different lot and building requirements; which are meant to insure the compatibility of new development with the existing development in the surrounding area. Length to Width Ratio: The width or depth of the mobile home space shall not be more than four (4) times the other. Buffer: Buffer standards shall be determined in the landscape/buffer matrix in section 10-43. Minimum Mobile Home Space Area: Three thousand (3,000) square feet, provided that the maximum net density shall be in accordance with the density requirements of 10-36(5)(d). Density: Eight (8) mobile homes per acre devoted to residential use for new PMRs or for expansion of existing PMRs where: Existing and expansion areas comply with 10-36(2) and roads in expansion area and existing private roads are to VDOT standards for subdivisions. Four (4) mobile homes per acre in expansion area devoted to residential use for expansion of existing PMRs where: Expansion areas comply with 10-36(2) and roads in expansion area are to VDOT standards for subdivisions and where a continuous, direct connection to a VDOT road via VDOT standard roads is provided for all expansion area units. Two (2) mobile homes per acre devoted to residential use in expansion area where expansion does not meet standards in either of above. Minimum mobile home space width: Fifty (50) feet. Lot access: New PMRs shall be developed to current VDOT access standards for subdivisions. Expansion of existing PMRs shall be developed to either VDOT access standards or to county standards for private road according to densities prescribed in subsection 10-36(5)(d). Maximum coverage by buildings: Forty (40) percent of mobile home space or site. Minimum frontage: Twenty (20) feet. Minimum setbacks: Ten (10) feet between mobile home foundation and PMR property line. Minimum yards: • Side: Thirty (30) feet between mobile home units. • Rear: Ten (10) feet between mobile home units. Maximum building height: Thirty five (35) feet. Refer to Section 10-36(7) for additional use limitations. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Montgomery County Planning & GIS Services 755 Roanoke Street Suite 2A, Christiansburg, VA 24073 CALL 540-394-2148 | EMAIL mcplan@montgomerycountyva.gov VISIT www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Planning A zoning permit and/or site plan may be required to proceed with the uses listed on this data sheet. See section 10-53 of the Montgomery County Code, or call the Planning Department, to determine the required development approvals. This sheet is intended to only be a guide for development regulations in this zoning district. Please see Chapter 10 of the Montgomery County Code for the specific regulations. The full texts of the zoning and subdivision ordinances are available at the Planning Department Webpage or at www.municode.com.