10-2023 Broadband Update Page 1 of 5 What can you do now? Encourage citizens to sign up! Please encourage citizens to visit https://signup.gigabeam.net or scan the QR code on one of the signs (pictured here) displayed throughout the County to begin receiving regular updates from Gigabeam. Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) If you learn of citizens who state they may not be able to afford broadband, please share information with them about the federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Gigabeam Networks participates in the ACP, which is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) benefit program to help households afford broadband necessary for work, school, healthcare, etc. To learn more about the program, visit https://www.affordableconnectivity.gov/. What is next? 1. Gigabeam and Appalachian Power are working to finish the VATI I project, meaning construction continues in the Eastern Montgomery area. 2. Gigabeam is working to identify point-of-presence (POP) options, with the most viable option at this time to collocate with a company in Blacksburg. The goal is to finalize a POP location by the end of October. (Note: a POP is a physical location where multiple networks can connect, serving a purpose similar to that of a transformer station.) What has been done? October 2023 Construction continues by Appalachian Power and Gigabeam in Eastern Montgomery. The NRVRC is drafting a contract extension request to submit to DHCD for VATI I. However, as soon as the make-ready is completed by Appalachian Power, Gigabeam estimates the construction in Eastern Montgomery will be completed within 60-90 days, with connections being made throughout that time period. The first phase of the construction and design in Eastern Montgomery is expected to be complete in early December 2023, with installation in homes shortly thereafter. September 2023 The Broadband Update event was held at Meadowbrook Library on Sept. 6, at 11 a.m. Several citizens attended and asked the Gigabeam representatives questions. In addition, Dr. Tamarah Holmes, Director, Office of Broadband, Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, spoke at the event and shared how Montgomery County’s broadband project is a “model project” for Virginia. Gigabeam and Appalachian Power are working to finish the VATI I project, meaning construction continues in the Eastern Montgomery area with an anticipated completion date of December 31, 2023. Gigabeam is still working with Montgomery County’s Economic Development staff members to find satellite office space Broadband Update October 2023 in Montgomery County. August 2023 Gigabeam reports that engineering plans for VATI I are complete. Gigabeam has begun to have a more visible presence in the Elliston/Shawsville area as construction is ramping up. Fiber has been delivered and is ready for installation. Plans are being finalized for the Sept. 6 event with Gigabeam and Appalachian Power at the Meadowbrook Library. Gigabeam continues to work with Montgomery County’s Economic Development staff members to find satellite office space in Montgomery County. Gigabeam is inviting all in the Eastern Montgomery area who have completed their online form to the Sept. 6 event. July 2023 As of this week, 1,112 in Montgomery County have completed Gigabeam’s online interest form. Gigabeam is evaluating satellite office spaces in Montgomery County. In addition, cabinets to house equipment in strategic locations in the Elliston/Shawsville area are being constructed by Gigabeam. June 2023 As of this week, 1,081 individuals (128 in Shawsville and 61 in Elliston) have completed Gigabeam’s online interest form. VATI 2021 fiber designs are complete. VATI 2022 fiber designs will be completed by Gigabeam and provided to Appalachian Power this summer. May 2023 All necessary permits for the VATI I project have been submitted by Gigabeam Networks. Engineering plans have been finalized and are being completed by Ledcor, a company contracted by Gigabeam and Appalachian Power this summer. Gigabeam reports that a significant number of installations will begin weekly by the end of the summer in the Elliston/Shawsville area. April 2023 Appalachian Power and Gigabeam are continuing to work on obtaining the necessary permits for the project. In addition, construction and engineering plans continue by both Appalachian Power and Gigabeam. Gigabeam has the supplies necessary to begin the work. In addition, contractors are on standby to begin the work as soon as the permits are secured and the plans are finalized. March 2023 Construction and engineering plans continue by both Appalachian Power and Gigabeam. The project was mentioned in the March 2023 issue of the Virginia Business magazine: Meanwhile, the New River Valley Regional Commission, working with leaders in Montgomery, Bland and Pulaski counties, is leveraging $69 million in grant funding from the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative, along with private and local investments, to extend high-speed internet to more than 21,000 homes and businesses in the three counties. In November 2022, the Virginia State Corporation Commission approved a proposal by Appalachian Power to attach fiber-optic cable on its electric poles. Fiber-optic internet will become available to residents throughout this year and into 2024, according to Kevin Byrd, the commission’s executive director. “Broadband is going to certainly help us to continue to be more competitive in economic development,” he says. The full article is available here: Sweet Valley High, Virginia Business, March 2023, by Beth JoJack. January 2023 Upon receiving SCC approval in December, Appalachian Power and Gigabeam have been finalizing construction and engineering plans. In addition, Appalachian Power has been collecting field data, with crews measuring lines. December 2022 The SCC approved Appalachian Power’s application to use the Utility Leverage Program. November 2022 Gigabeam designed a yard sign. The County ordered several yard signs for placement in the project area after Appalachian Power learns the State Corporation Commission (SCC) ruling on their application to use the Utility Leverage Program for this project. October 2022 Appalachian Power participated in the SCC public hearing. August 2022 SCC Solicits Public Comments. The SCC will be holding a public hearing in October 2022 to consider Appalachian Power Company’s proposal to provide fiber service in Montgomery and Bland Counties through the SCC’s Utility Leverage Program. Prior to the public hearing, the SCC is soliciting public comment. June 2022 AEP submits proposal to SCC. Appalachian Power filed its proposal for using the Utility Leverage Program to bring high speed internet to citizens and businesses in the rural areas of Montgomery County with the Virginia State Corporation Commission. April 2022 Spring Newsletter. Information about both of Montgomery County’s broadband projects resulting from VATI grants was shared with citizens in a newsletter mailed with spring tax bills. February 2022 AEP prepares proposal to SCC. Appalachian Power began preparing its proposal to bring high speed internet to citizens and businesses in Montgomery County through the Virginia State Corporation Commission’s Utility Leverage. December 2021 Montgomery County Received $27.6 Million VATI Grant for $50 Million Broadband Project. The VATI grant funding will allow for up to 8,822 new connections for unserved citizens and businesses throughout the county. March 2021 Montgomery County Received VATI Grant. In March 2021, Montgomery County was awarded a Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) grant to improve broadband infrastructure. Montgomery County partnered with Gigabeam Networks to bring fixed wireless broadband access to 1,292 serviceable units, including 44 businesses in Allegheny Springs, Elliston, Lafayette, and Shawsville. This project is underway, with anticipated completion by December 2022. October 2020 Wireless on Wheels Carts Installed. Wireless on Wheels (WOW) carts were installed in rural areas of the county to help with internet accessibility to include telehealth appointments, working remotely, and K- 12 school assignments. August 2020 Private-Public Partnership Formed. Montgomery County selected Gigabeam through a RFP process. Gigabeam has experience in bringing high-speed internet to rural localities in Virginia. May 2020 Broadband Study Findings presented to Board of Supervisors. The findings were presented to the Board of Supervisors in the spring of 2020. Funding for the comprehensive broadband plan was made possible by Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development though the Community Development Block Grant Program. October 2019 Initial report provided. The collaborating companies provided the initial report, which provided a plan to implement recommendations and address the broadband needs of Montgomery County. August 2019 Thompson and Litton collaborated with Blue Ridge Advisory Services, Inc. The identified team selected Thompson and Litton who collaborated with a regional telecommunications and broadband company, Blue Ridge Advisory Services, Inc. May 2019 Surveyed citizens and businesses. The New River Regional Commission began surveying citizens and businesses with both paper and electronic response options available. Team formed. Proposals received. A diverse and cross-functional team was formed with local governments, community organizations, citizens, and businesses represented. Proposals from companies were submitted. February 2019 Montgomery County - New River Valley Regional Commission partnership. Montgomery County partnered with the New River Valley Regional Commission to develop a plan for addressing broadband needs in our community. The goal was to identify areas that are underserved and unserved by broadband in an effort to address coverage gaps; analyze infrastructure needs; receive feedback from citizens and stakeholders; identify potential partnership agreements for the final broadband plan implementation.