06-28-2022, Electoral Board minutes
June 28, 2022
The meeting was held at the Montgomery County Government Center, 755 Roanoke Street in Christiansburg.
Chairman Langford called the meeting to order at 10:08 am. All Board members were present. Registrar
Connie Viar was in attendance. Montgomery County resident Kenneth Stiles was also present.
Secretary Williams moved to approve the minutes of the March 28, April 4, and May 10, 2022 meetings. Vice-
Chairman Sills seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.
At 10:15, Mr. Sills moved to enter a closed session in accordance with Section 2.2-3711 of the Code of
Virginia for the purpose of discussing the assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion,
salaries, disciplining, or resignation of Officers of Election serving in Montgomery County. Ms. Williams
seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.
The closed meeting ended at 10:45 am, and the Board returned to open session. Mr. Langford moved to certify
the meeting in accordance with Section 2.2-3711 of the Code of Virginia. Mr. Sills seconded the motion, and it
passed as follows: Chairman Langford, aye; Vice-Chairman Sills, aye; Secretary Williams, aye. Each member
certified that to the best of their knowledge only public business lawfully exempted from opening meeting
requirements was discussed in the closed meeting and that only such public business matters as were identified
in the motion conveying the closed meeting were heard, discussed, or considered.
Ms. Williams presented Appendices C and D of the Voting Systems Security Plan which have been updated to
account for polling place changes due to redistricting. Corrections to the information were noted, and Ms.
Williams will update the draft for additional review.
Mr. Stiles departed the meeting at 11:05 am.
The Board discussed its approach to conducting the annual review of the Registrar. Ms. Viar will provide the
Board with a list of activities carried out over the past year, describe progress made on the past year’s goals,
and make recommendations on goals for the coming year. Mr. Sills will meet with Registrar Viar to discuss
the information and prepare a draft evaluation for presentation at the next meeting.
The Board discussed updating the training presentation for new Officers of Election. Ms. Williams will send
the current document for comment and recommendations prior to the next Board meeting.
Registrar Viar reported that county’s redistricting changes in VERIS are completed but under review. The
public hearing for the relocation of the Registrar’s office and Central Absentee Precinct will be held on July
11th. Delivery of thirty-five Unisyn Freedom Vote Tablets is expected in mid-July. The delivery schedule of
the Unisyn Freedom Vote Scan voting machines has not been finalized. Ms. Viar is arranging for the disposal
of the county’s OVI voting machines after they are retired. Ms. Viar has joined the Unisyn user group working
on guidelines for election night reporting.
Ms. Williams reported that paperwork for six new Officers of Election has been received and moved to
appoint these Officers to serve for the remainder of the current term. Mr. Sills seconded, and the motion
passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon.
___________________________ ________________________ _________________________
Richard D. Langford John A. Sills Carroll D. Williams
Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary