12-10-2021, Electoral Board minutes
December 10, 2021
The meeting was held at the Montgomery County Government Center, 755 Roanoke Street in
Christiansburg. Chairman Langford called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. All Board members were
present. Registrar Connie Viar was in attendance. Aaron Thompson of WFXR was also present and
videoed part of the meeting before departing at approximately 10:30.
Vice-Chairman Sills moved to approve the minutes of the November 3 -5, 2021 meeting. Secretary
Williams seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.
The Board discussed the conduct of the November 2, 2021 General Election, beginning with the Central
Absentee Precinct (CAP). Chairman Langford noted that the CAP reported incorrect vote totals to the
Registrar on election night. The Board agreed that a change to the CAP paperwork was needed to reduce
the possibility of reporting incorrect totals. Mr. Sills volunteered to work with the Registrar on making
improvements to the forms provided.
There were voter complaints at some precincts about campaigners crossing into the 40-ft campaign-free
zone outside the polling places. Officer marking of the 40-ft line will be emphasized in training. Chief
Officers reported running low on ballots at some precincts. Registrar Viar noted that if 2022 Senate Bill 3
passes, it is likely each precinct will have its own ballot styles in the future, simplifying ballot allocation
for Election Day.
Mr. Langford noted that there was inconsistent use of the “Goldenrod Form” by Chief Officers when
assisting absentee voters who came without their mailed ballot to vote in person on Election Day. He
pointed out a conflict between guidance from the Department of Elections (ELECT) and the Code of
Virginia with regard to the form and moved that Montgomery County disregard the guidance requiring
use of the form on Election Day. The motion failed to proceed without a second.
There were several instances of the OVO scanner “jamming” on Election Day which required rebooting
of the voting machine. Ms. Viar reported that our vendor, Election Systems Online, is in communication
with the equipment manufacturer, Unisyn Solutions, about the issue. In several precincts, the electronic
pollbooks did not properly sync up with one another and rebooting of affected machines was required.
Ms. Viar has reached out to our software vendor, Robis Elections, Inc., about the issue.
At 11:15 am, Ms. Williams moved that the Board enter a closed session in accordance with Section 2.2-
3711 of the Code of Virginia for the purpose of discussing the performance of Officers of Election during
the November 2, 2021 election. Mr. Sills seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The closed meeting ended at 11:35 am, and the Board returned to open session. Mr. Langford
moved to certify the meeting in accordance with Section 2.2-3711 of the Code of Virginia. Mr. Sills
seconded the motion. The motion passed as follows: Chairman Langford, aye; Vice-Chairman Sills, aye;
Secretary Williams, aye. Each member certified that to the best of their knowledge only public business
lawfully exempted from opening meeting requirements was discussed in the closed meeting and that only
such public business matters as were identified in the motion conveying the closed meeting were heard,
discussed, or considered.
Registrar Viar reported that Montgomery County may be selected to participate in a risk limiting audit.
ELECT will select Delegate Districts at its meeting on December 14th. If chosen, it is expected that the
tasks associated with the RLA will take place on January 5, 2022.
Ms. Viar will be meeting with the County Administrator about space requirements for the Registrar’s
office and the storage of voting equipment. The Virginia Electoral Board Association annual meeting is
schedule for the weekend of March 18, 2022.
Ms. Viar reported that she has submitted her department’s budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, including
a request for an additional Assistant Registrar position. The Board agreed to support the Registrar in her
request, recognizing that work required by the Registrar’s office has increased a great deal due to laws
passed in recent years.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:02 pm.
___________________________ ________________________ _________________________
Richard D. Langford John A. Sills Carroll D. Williams
Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary