02-01-2021, PSA agenda and consent agenda A G E N D A MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Multi-Purpose Room #2 Montgomery County Government Center Monday, February 01, 2021 6:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Election of Chair B. Election of Vice Chair C. Election of Secretary/Treasurer IV. PUBLIC ADDRESS SESSION V. CONSENT AGENDA VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Employee Incentive Program Sick Leave B. Revisions to PSA Employee Incentive Pay Program VII. FINANCIAL REPORT VIII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT IX. AUTHORITY MEMBERS’ REPORT X. ADJOURNMENT February 01, 2021 Page 1 of 3 TO: PSA Board of Directors FROM: Charles E. (Chuck) Campbell, PSA Director DATE: February 01, 2021 SUBJECT: AGENDA REPORT - PSA REGULAR MEETING – February 01, 2021 I. CALL TO ORDER The PSA Director will call this meeting to order. II. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM The PSA Director will determine if a quorum is present. III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Election of Chair B. Election of Vice Chair C. Election of Secretary/Treasurer IV. PUBLIC ADDRESS SESSION The Chair will ask if there are any comments from the public. Each person will be allowed five minutes to address the Board. V. CONSENT AGENDA PROPOSED RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Public Service Authority hereby approves the Consent Agenda, dated February 01, 2021. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Employee Incentive Program Sick Leave B. Revisions to PSA Incentive Pay Program February 01, 2021 Page 2 of 3 VII. FINANCIAL REPORT A. The financial report for period ending January 31, 2021. VIII. DIRECTOR’S REPORT The Director’s report will be discussed at meeting. IX. AUTHORITY MEMBERS’ REPORT 1. Member Biggs 2. Member Bohn 3. Member DeMotts 4. Member Fijalkowski 5. Member King 6. Member Sheppard 7. Member Blevins X. ADJOURNMENT PROPOSED RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Public Service Authority does hereby adjourn to the next meeting scheduled for March 02, 2020. February 01, 2021 Page 3 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA February 01, 2021 A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED November 04, 2019 ISSUE/PURPOSE: The above listed minutes are before the Board for approval. Consent Agenda February 01, 2021 Page 1 of 1